Tour Stop 10



Tour Stop 10


The British general, Simon Fraser, mortally wounded during the battle of October 7, 1777 was buried near this site the following day.

(Saratoga Battlefield Marker)

Main Crown Forces Hospital

Burgoyne's retreating army was forced to leave its sick and wounded to the car of the Americans. The main British medical facilities were located on the flat below to your right.

(Saratoga Battlefield Marker)

Site of the Taylor Cabin

A grievously wounded Simon Fraser was carried here to the Taylor Cabin, which had been taken over as a residence by Baroness Riedsel, the wife of the German commander. The bleeding General was brought into the room where a cheerful dinner party to which he had been invited was being held. Simon Fraser died at 8:00 on the morning of October 8, 1777.

(Saratoga Battlefield Marker)


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